Friday, January 31, 2020
Healthy Eating Habits of African Americans Essay Example for Free
Healthy Eating Habits of African Americans Essay America is an overweight nation with many being considered obese; African Americans in particular, make up a considerable fraction of the population due mainly to culturally poor eating habits and inactive lifestyles. The latest Gallup-Healthways well-being Index survey shows that up to 63. 1% of the US population was overweight or obese in 2009. That means two out of every three adults and 17% of children in this country are overweight. Out of that number, approximately 60% are African American men and 78% African American women. The survey also says that African Americans were the most likely to be obese at 36. 2% compared to a national average of 26. 5%. Disturbingly, African Americans rank at the top of many similar health studies. This group is at a higher risk for chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are normally lifetime diseases that have no cure, but can be treated and maintained. African Americans lead all other ethnic groups in the nation in most statistics on obesity. Even though the numbers are alarming and a bit sobering, there are a variety of unhealthy habits that help contribute. The top reasons for many of these social and health issues lifestyle choices that can be prevented by proper education on health and fitness. For many Americans, poor lifestyle choices make for vulnerability to an assortment of health issues. One of the challenges for African Americans to overcome is healthy food choices. The cultural diet that many African Americans share makes this even more of a hurdle so to speak. African Americans have a rich family tradition of soul food that can present problems for today’s less active lifestyles. Many African Americans accept the notion that soul food is African-American recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation. â€Å"Soul food†meals traditionally depend on high levels of sugar, fat and salt for flavoring. Even though this may have some degree of truth to it, decreasing portion sizes and modifying recipes, can insure that blacks continue their cultural heritage of family eating traditions without expanding their waistlines. Decreasing the holesterol, fat and sodium content in their diets; African Americans can significantly reduce the risk of diabetes complications. Often these instructions by doctors and fitness experts result in dishes that can seem unfamiliar. According to the Department of Agriculture, (2002)11% of American households did not have access, at all times for to enough food for their family to support an active and healthy lifestyle. There is a direct relationship in the diets and eating habits of African Americans based on their socioeconomic status and education. African Americans have this and other cultural challenges to overcome. For example frying food is common method of cooking for African Americans due to the fast cooking time and versatility of meals that can be arranged quickly. The lack of affordability of higher quality meats, vegetables and fruits can also impact the opportunity leaner diets. A large amount of African Americans are on the poorer end of the poverty scale. Families scrambling to barely feed their households often select the cost conscious foods versus nutrition. The average African American family household income according to the Economic Census Bureau report (2007) was $33,916 compared to $54,920 for non-Hispanic White families. These issues are by no means excuses and in fact, change easily by a focus on health education and better diets alternatives. Meals can be modified by purchasing meats with less fat, fresh, green vegetables and fruit. African Americans can choose also choose better cooking methods such as baked, grilled or broiled. These methods can reduce saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium while keeping the original, intended flavor of the food. Many cookbooks and recipes have been created to offer options and alternative to traditional soul food and unhealthy â€Å"quick†meals. African Americans of all ethnic groups in the United States have shown the most difficulty choosing diets that are low in fat and high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This would require a huge change in diet quality and working against this is the greater marketability of packaged and processed foods. The packagings of processed foods seem strategically designed to attract certain demographics and African Americans do not seem to be exempt. African Americans have the highest risk of almost all diet-related disease when compared to their non-Hispanic white counterparts. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes are all leading causes of death in blacks. It’s a well know fact that being overweight can be dangerous to our health, however African Americans have to worry more about life-threatening disease like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and certain forms of cancer. African Americans are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes as non-Latin white adults. Type 2 diabetes is more prevalent in African Americans because fat interferes with body’s ability to use insulin. Death from heart disease was 30% more likely among African Americans compared to their white counterparts. (2005, CDC) The most serious forms of cancer like lung, prostate, breast, and stomach also are more likely to be a cause of death in blacks than whites. These often fatal diseases can be traced back to poor eating habits. Heart attacks are often discovered to start from blockage of arteries from high cholesterol and saturated fat. Proper screening and regular checkups is a proactive way to early detection. Many African Americans do not get blood screenings or physicals regular, let alone have a primary-care physician. Changing to more active lifestyles and a regular exercise routine are critical ingredients needed to reduce the chances African Americans have for stroke and heart attack. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, African Americans were 50% less likely to participate in active physical activity as non-Hispanic whites. Considering this, it’s of no surprise that they die from heart disease and stroke almost twice the rate of Whites also. A professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, Robert Newton Jr. , PhD, said in his Exercise for African Americans article that one of the perceptions of African Americans have is the belief that work provides sufficient exercise. Many African Americans are blue collar workers and often do strenuous jobs. He goes on to say other so-called barriers African Africans declare prevents them from regular exercise are myths like messing up their hair styles or dislike of public showers. Whether there is any validity to these claims or not, African Americans must educate themselves on the benefits of regular exercise and the affects of an in-active lifestyle. There are many books, programs, clubs and social activities that offer the specific, specialized support African Americans need in order to improve their overall health as a group. Many unhealthy habits of African Americans can be changed by simply adding in a regular exercise routine. Regular exercise brings along with it the desire to eat healthier. African Americans will first need to make some tough and ometimes unfamiliar choices. Choosing a family doctor or primary care physician is a positive step in the right direction. This is especially important when there are current health issues or one hasn’t been active lately. Educating themselves around the specific trends and downfalls they have as an ethnic group, can be a motivating factor in a lifestyle change. Also, developing a regular exercise routine will take firm commitment and discipline. One of the easiest ways African Americans can incorporate this into their current lifestyles is to start sneaking it into their daily activities. For example, they could take the stairs instead of the elevator at work, or go for walks during breaks or lunches. Even doing housework at a fast past can get the heart rate up and pumping. Yard work like raking leaves can provide extra-curricular activity too. Gym memberships and personals trainers can be a barrier to some African Americans due to the costs and fees associated with them. African Americans don’t have to look very far to find alternatives. Various local churches sponsor health programs or have created fitness committees to help improve their congregations health. A lot of companies sponsor mini-marathons or charity races to help a local cause and keep its staff in better physical shape. African Americans are still at the highest risk for a shorter life expectancy due to generations of poor eating habits and a lack of general health knowledge. These trends are evident in many Americans, but disproportionately still more in African Americans. With continued focus, attention and education by experts, schools, churches, even media and society as a whole, there can be a cultural shift. African Americans can close the gap between them and other ethnic groups in health statistics like obesity and body mass indexes (BMI). This is especially essential between blacks and non-Hispanic whites where the biggest gaps are evident. Chronic and diet related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and cancer can all partly be attributed to lifestyle choices. Healthful living, proper diets, and active lifestyles can greatly improve the health of all Americans, but essentially the African American people.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Benefits of Running Essay example -- Exercise Health Fitness Paper
The Benefits of Running Why do they run? Running. It’s painful, tedious, and exhausting. So, why do so many Americans do it? People run for many reasons. Most often, people run to stay in shape and to reach an ideal body weight. Studies show that a combination of diet and exercise is the most effective way to lose weight, as it triggers a loss of body fat and a proportional increase of lean tissue. Running, a rigorous cardiovascular exercise, allows a person to burn an average of 100 calories per each mile he or she runs. Other popular activities, such as biking and walking, only burn a fraction of those calories in the same amount of time. While the average human being burns about 2000-2500 calories a day by simply existing, running 5 miles a day can burn an additional 500 calories, making it a legitimate way to lose weight. Furthermore, running is an easily accessible activity-- with a decent pair of sneakers and some determination, anyone can run. Surprisingly, how fast a person runs has little effect on the number of calories he or she will burn. The most important factor is weight. For example, a 220-pound person running an eight-minute mile burns 150 calories, while a 120-pound person running at the same pace burns only 82. Every person’s body requires an excess of 3500 calories in order to gain a pound or a deficit of 3500 calories in order to lose a pound. Thus, 180-pound person who runs 5 miles each day will lose about 5 pounds a month. However, as his or her weight goes down, he or she will burn fewer calories per mile. Eventually, a runner’s weight will stabilize. When this will happen depends on how much the runner eats and how far he or she runs. Most runners lose weight effortlessly at first, but eventually, t... ...test. It is a place where I can escape my problems and enter into a world where I am invincible. Bibliography Blinkie, David. What is an Ultramarathon? Fixx, James F. The Complete Book of Running. New York: Random House, 1977. Simbeck, Rob. "Running it Off." Nashville Scene. January 22, 1998. Pp. 18-26. Galloway, Jeff. Galloway's Book on Running. Bolinas, California: Shelter Publications, 1984. Hang, John. The Essential Runner. New York: Lyons and Burford, 1994. Henderson, Joe. Better Runs. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, 1996. Rodgers, Bill. Lifetime Running Plan. New York: Harper Collins, 1996. Running with George. Eating Right to Fuel the Runner. Running with George. Finding the Right Fuel for Your Body. Running with George. The Fight Against Fat.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Political Issues with the Current Immigration Essay
â€Å"In the wake of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1965. This new law abolished the national origins quota system and barred racial considerations from expressly entering into decisions about immigrant visas; it also imposed for the first time a ceiling (120,000) on migration from the Western Hemisphere.†(Johnson, 2006). Historical Framework for the Issue of Illegal Immigration Towards the end of the 19th century, Congress passed the first immigrant exclusion law restricting criminal and prostitutes, and followed up with the Japanese, Asian and Chinese. Even with this law in place the immigration still reached a record high of 1.3 million personnel in 1907. In 1965, Congress then passed the Immigration and Nationality Act amendments that ended the quota and initiated the concept of family sponsored immigration. In 1987, Congress enacted the Immigration Reform Control Act (IRCA) which authorized two programs to identify and legalize illegal immigrants who are able to document their entry into the U.S. prior to 1 January 1982 ( Archive, 2003). The immigration migration is a phenomenon of crucial importance to the United States as long as the immigration guidelines and procedures are followed, but with the vast number of amendments being reconstructed and enacted by Congress, on almost a daily basis this put additional strain on our border patrol, g overnment agencies, and our military forces who have been tasked to assist in the protection of the U.S./Mexico border alongside the local police officers. On October 1, 2004, Mr. Jim Gilchrist, U.S Vietnam Marine veteran, founded the multi-ethnic Minuteman Project after he had been frustrated dealing with the United States Government to enforce the immigration laws. The Minutemen, who formed the name from militiamen who fought in the American Revolution, has described themselves as â€Å"a citizen’s neighborhood watch on our border†, and have continued to get the media attention on dealing with the illegal immigration issue plaguing the United States. The Minutemen organization has portrayed more of a negative connotation rather than the positive that they had initially strived for. On May 25, 2005 there was the Garden Grove Incident dealing with protestors. On October 4, 2006 they had the Columbia University incident where their stage was stormed by student protestors. The T-Shirt incident on April 6, 2005 in which minutemen had an old man poses with a racial discrimination T-shirt, and in August 2007 there was a fake murder video published by the organization (Sanchez, 2011). Even with this negativity, on April 28, 2005, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger praised the Minutemen Project on a Los Angeles radio station KFI. The issues of the constant illegal immigration border crossings, violence and murders on the borders of the immigrants and law enforcements officers, the immigration laws will continue to be pushed through Congress in order to keep our borders safe and ensure the diverse cultures visiting the United States are entering with the appropriate documentation instead of through the desert with a backpack, bottles of water, and for some, with bags of drugs. Is the Media Portrayal of biased or unbiased Illegal Immigration? On October 6, 2010, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, announced that record numbers of deportations of criminal aliens, declaring that these figures have demonstrated that President Obama’s administration is focused on enforcing our immigration laws that prioritizes public safety a nd national security. One of the political issues on July 7, 2011, according to Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (2011), a memorandum was published entitled â€Å"Individuals Who Are Not Authorized to Work in the United States Were Paid $4.2 Billion in Refundable Credits†which is also the entire product of the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) for the 2010 tax processing year (Impact on Taxpayers). Illegal immigration laws that are in place are not only bottlenecking the system, becoming costly to taxpayers and increasing the deficit, but the ranchers along the border are either having the illegals trespassing onto their land, destroying their fence line along the property, and on a few occasions ranchers have been killed. Mr. John Ladd, a rancher on the Southern border of Arizona, has a ranch sprawling over 14,000 acres between Mexico border and state highway 92. His ranch is the major corridor for the smuggling of drugs and human beings into the United States. The border pat rol makes frequent arrests on the ranch, but most of those are released back into Mexico where they regroup and try again until they are successful (Gisorg, 2010). On average, one mile of border fence costs US taxpayers $4 million. Is it worth the expense? The measurements of this fence is 21 feet (6.4m) tall and 6 feet (1.8m) embedded into the ground, and cemented in a 3 foot (.91m) wide trench. With all of this material, manpower, monetary cost and security, on December 16, 2010, a video was shot showing two young American students visiting the border and on their first try, these girls made it to the top of the fence in less than eighteen seconds. How much time do you think it will take if you visit the beach of Tijuana and just swim out to the fence line and cross over? Does the public’s perception encourage or discourage prejudice, labeling or stereotyping? There are media commentaries that intentionally sensationalize the story being reported; it all depends on where their station ratings stand. Even unintentional biased reporting can be portrayed depending on what the listener’s views are on immigration. I cannot justify what their true intentions are, but as a viewer there are times when my perception is that they are not telling the full story, or the story is biased to the side of the populace majority. One of the best media outlets I’ve come across depicting the conflict between bordering countries was by the Coca-Cola Corporation. Two guards who are patrolling their border, walking back and forth along a stretch of about 15 feet with hatred and discontent showing on their faces not uttering a word. What brought these two cultures to a brief truce was a 16oz bottle of Coca-Cola (Gisorg, 2010). Even In the portrayal of the movie ‘Borders’ which depict the immigration issues with Mexico and the United States. Chris Burgard’s award winning television series takes an impartial look at the agonizing and complex issue of our southern U.S. border. This film fosters debate, open discussion, and hopefully a more balanced outlook towards a national problem that has polarized our nation.†(Rick Dixon, Star Tribune, 2011). During the viewing, you may perceive that all Hispanics are probably in this country illegally, drug runners or coyotes. This actually encourages hatred of most Hispanics because they are perceived the same as terrorist in this land. This show demonstrates how individuals should be fighting again crime and illegal immigration of all types, and the question you should be asking yourself is if you believe in your government, and what is the true border between justice and crime. Does this issue affect the U.S. economy and labor force? Presently illegal immigrants arriving into country are taking advantage of the job workforce that average Americans deem beneath them. They are willing to take on those jobs that we perceive as demeaning, and underpaid. Due to this immigration issue, the United States, as paid over $4.2 billion dollars towards labor for the illegal immigrants and over $100 billion each year on medical, housing and education. According to the Arizona state treasurer Dean Martin, they are losing between $1.3 and $2.5 billion each year on illegal immigrant on incarceration, education and their families. This does not account for the legal services that are provided through the court system. As a manager, what inclusion strategies would be implemented? When dealing with the issues of illegal immigration and the media coverage as a manager, there are strategies that can be utilized to foster a collaborative working environment for employees. Coordinate with Human Resources to schedule diversity and equal opportunity training, plan a quarterly cultural luncheon/potluck, and during each holiday ensure there are decorations representing every culture in your organization and allow those individuals to explain what each trinket means. When dealing with stereotyping, encourage employees to ask questions concerning that cultural difference they don’t understand or have perceptions about. Most organizations will have a media device placed in the office, and employees will hear of negative connotations dealing with the diverse groups around the United States. If listening to these stories makes you stop and think, then it will also make you wonder about that culture. Not all individuals in are the same, and not all cultures are radical, illegal immigrants or a threat. Conclusion The media is the media is the media. As long as there is conflict it will be reported to the masses. Illegal immigrants and immigration laws are tied to the hip and will always be part of society and culture. Unless the United takes a lesson from the 1981 television show called ‘Escape from New York’, produced by John Carpenter, place a twenty-five foot solid cement wall that is fifteen feet thick around the state. There will always be illegal immigrants either from Mexico, Cuba, and other countries seeking domicile in the United States. References Archive. (2003). The Immigration Act of 1965. Retrieved from Canoy, M., Beutin, R., Horath, A., Hubert, A., Lerais, F., Smith, P., & Sochacki, M. (2006, September 10). Migration and public perception. Retrieved from Gemano, R. P. (2010, December 16). 2 Girls Undermine US Border Strategy in Under 18 Seconds [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube website: Gisorg. (2010, August 9). Gaming the Border: A Report from Cochise County, Arizona [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube website: Johnson, K. R. (2006). The History of Racial Exclusion in the US Immigration Laws. Retrieved from Morgenstern, M. (2011). TheBlaze. Retrieved from http://www.theblaz Pemberton, J. S. (2011, February 3). Coca-Cola Border [Video file]. Retrieved from YouTube website: Sanchez, C. (2011). HATEWATCH. Retrieved from Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. (2011). Individuals Who Are Not Authorized to Work in the United States Were Paid $4.2 Billion in Refundable Credits. Retrieved from http://Individuals Who Are Not Authorized to Work in the United States Were Paid $4.2 Billion in Refundable Credits
Monday, January 6, 2020
Small Business and Entrepreneurship - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3974 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Did you like this example? Introduction The world of business is changing at the speed of the light. What is new today might be an obsolete piece of work tomorrow. This change can be tackled only when the right person steers the right business model. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Small Business and Entrepreneurship" essay for you Create order The topic of entrepreneurship has caught the attention from board rooms to universities all around the world. They are trying to answer whether an entrepreneur is born or made. This assignment is focused on identifying who is an entrepreneur, what is a business model, the types of business models and the pre requisites for small business start ups. In order to effectively answer these questions a real world success story of an entrepreneur and his business model has been analyzed here. For the purpose of this assignment the founder of Dell Computer Corporation was selected. Throughout this assignment the effort has been focused on tracking the key success factors of Michael Dell and his venerable business model. During the last half of this assignment an immense effort was taken to illustrate how a small business start up should deal with various formalities upon setting it up in a more practical manner. Finally the conclusion has been given after a thorough analysis of the dell model and the key success factors of Dell Computer Corporation. Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is the task of becoming an entrepreneur which can be defined as financing and management of business in order to transform innovation to economic goods. We can find several definitions on entrepreneurship as follows. Entrepreneurship involves owning and managing a business entity. Entrepreneurship is creating something that did not exist earlier. Entrepreneurship is the process of commencing a business, organizing required resources and undertaking the related risks. Schumpeter, [1934] stresses that No one is an entrepreneur forever, Entrepreneur only exists when he innovates. No sooner he stops innovating he discontinue himself from been an entrepreneur. Types of entrepreneurships Business entrepreneur he is the one who turns ideas in to reality. He involves in both manufacturing and trade of the business. [Small trading and manufacturing business] Trading entrepreneur undertakes trading activities and focused in marketing. Manufacturing entrepreneur undertakes only manufacturing activities. Major focus is innovation. Corporate entrepreneur more interested in management of the organization, Exceptional organization and coordinating skills can be seen. Technical entrepreneur more focused in production and posses innovative production skills. Non technical entrepreneur focused on marketing, distribution channels and strategies. Michael Dell The path of success Today dell Computer Corporation is one of the premier PC brands both in and outside United States. Dell started his business in a time where IBM was dominating the market in a big way. He who assembled PCs in his university dormitory within 20 years surpassed almost all the key players in the business. Here is a brief account of Michael Dell, the man behind the billion dollar PC manufacturing company. Michael Dell was born in 165 in Houston in Texas. Although he did not show interest in school, he showed entrepreneur skills from his childhood. Dell at 12 started his first business venture by creating a stamp auction. He advertised dells stamps in Linns stamp journal and earns $2000 from it. This is the first time where he learnt the importance of eliminating the middlemen. Dell at 16 he was selling newspaper subscriptions for Houston Post. This is where he learnt about the power of segmentation. At the end of the year Dell had earned $ 18,000. Dell at 18 Enters the T exas University and sells upgraded high performance PCs there. He registers the company as PC limited. Michael started Dell Computer Corporation with an initial investment of $1,000. He drops out from the university to fully devote to the company. His grandparents having faith on his idea lend him $300,000 for the business in order to expand the company. Dell at 26 Becomes the youngest CEO of a company that was ever to earn the fortune 500 title. One of the key success factors of Michael Dell is his passion for computers. At the age of 15 he broke down his apple 2 computers and rebuilt it. By the time goes on he realized that then market leader IBM was not making PCs by IBM parts. They were stock parts from different vendors. This finding led him to assemble PCs which were superior to IBM machines. Michael also advertised his custom made computers in famous computer magazines. While his prices were less than retailers the machines were directly shipped to customers. Personnel computer industry An overview By 1950s mainframe computers were the size of an entire room. Possessing a computer was beyond reality for many until 1970s. The first such a consumer computer was built by a company called MITS. In 1977 apple launched apple 2 which was believe to be the first true personnel computer. By today the PC has come a long way from its origins to become one of the must have consumer electronics for the modern day man. Michael dell became a success by addressing the main issues PC manufacturers faced in late 70s and 80s. Followings are some of the key feature in the PC industry. Average product life cycle of personnel computers has been declined from 22 months in 1988 to 6 months in 1997. Price as well as performance doubled in 18 months making excess inventory depreciate quickly. Also customers are ready to pay a premium on technically superior products. From early days performance of hardware was matched by growing complexity of software. This provides two implications. Excess inventory depreciate in value 10% per month. Technologically sophisticated machines have a higher demand and give a premium price. Therefore minimum inventory cost as well as bringing new technologies quickly assures higher profits for their organizations. Most PC manufacturers use the indirect distribution channels as shown in figure 1. This is contrary to dells direct distribution channel. FIG 1 indirect distribution channel of the PC industry. Analysis of Dells business model As discussed previously dell became successful by addressing the common deadlocks faced by other manufacturers in the industry. Since Dell started manufacturing its own PCs in 1985 it started a 24/7 hotline for complaints and assured shipment of replacement parts within 24 to 48 hours. In 1990 Dell started selling through retailers such as CompUSA, price club and circuit city. Despite rapidly growing revenues dell experienced its first loss in 1993. As a result it decided to pull out from the retail channels and went in to its roots of direct selling. The move put the company back on track by generating profits soon. Dells Business model The essence of dells business model is selling directly to the customer and build to order production. Direct sales This approach has two elements. Direct customer relationship and targeting distinct customer segments. By adapting direct sales method it must either reach customers by its own sales force or via advertising and other marketing tools. Direct customer relationship The direct approach provides dell a 6% cost advantage over the indirect sellers. It also gives a greater insight in to its own customers while Dells competitors have to rely on secondary marketing research to know their own customer base. [Source: Curry, James, and Kenney, Martin. (1999) Beating the clock: Corporate responses to rapid change in the PC industry. California Management Review 42(1), pp8-36] Through direct approach dell can identify customer trends. Therefore it can swiftly respond by bringing desired products to the market before its competitors. The direct approach makes it easy for customers to deal with Dell. For instance dell adapted Boeings IT system thereby making it easy for Boeing to operate dell products. Dell uses EDI to process orders and for a federal government defense contractor like Boeing this makes life easy as it terminate the need to connect to the internet thereby securing secrecy. However lack of extensive reach of channels is a drawback of direct approach. To solve this by segmenting its market by size dell has mainly focused on large clients. Who could reach directly by dells own sales force. Customer segmentation for sales Dell has 3 segments of customers as relationship, transaction and public international customers. The relationship customers are fortune 1000 companies. These numbers about 50 organizations which include Toyota, Goldman sacks, Exxon, Microsoft, Boeing, Wal-mart, sears, Shell oil, Ford. These companies purchase at least $1 million annually and accounts for about 70% of Dells sales. To gain and retain these customers Dell provides highly customized services. [Source: Jason, D. and Kraemer, K. L. (1998a). Globalization in the computer industry: Implications of the Asian production network for the U.S. Information Systems Research 9(4), pp303-322] These relationship customers are served by field based sales representatives in the customers premises as well as an equal number of telephone service representatives. For instance Dell has stationed a staff of 30 people to take care of Boeings 140,000 computers at Boeing. This team in addition to managing the machines forecast futur e PC purchases for Boeing. The second segment transaction customers account for 30% of sales are mainly small and medium enterprises. They are served by several thousand strong sales force that analyze prior purchase records and supports customers in choosing their purchases. The office and home customers account for 10% of the total sales. The international market is catered by a combination of subsidiaries and distribution agreements. Since buying directly from the manufacturer is still a new concept in most countries a more flexible approach is used here. However Dell decided to enter the Chinese and Brazilian market with the direct approach with the confidence that these countries would support the method. Built to order production Dells production system uses principles of just in time production that was first used by Japanese automaker Toyota, eliminating the need for excess inventory. The build to order goes a step further from lean production for the customized production. Since the approach requires specific parts for custom build machines the sales force and production department as well as its suppliers work hand to hand to satisfy the component requirement. The build to order is the most critical point in Dells business operations. The build to order is carried out mainly through Dells website. When the customers place an order through internet they are supported by configuration management software that enables the customer to select from a menu of software and hardware options. The menu assures only the compatible components are selected. After receiving the order online the configuration details are sent to the manufacturers where all the assembling and testing of machines are carried out. F ollowing is the illustration of how the built to order is carried out Customer orders the machine through Dell website Configuration details sent to manufacturing floor The complete assembly is carried out After hardware were installed all the software are installed The complete system is boxed and shipped An outside monitor supplier receives email to supply the monitor Product development Dells annual spending on research and development is estimated to be $ 250 million. the main objective is to developing cutting edge technologies and evaluating their ability to be adopted by the current systems. Following are some improvements which were taken place in Dells R D during past few years. The entire system is barred by only five screws to reduce wastage. Shorten cables to make assembling, replacement and repairing easy. Use of fiber optics thereby reducing the software downloading time by 75%. Declined number of machine retouches via product redesign. [Source: Dell Annual Report. 2006, 2007, 2008, (Online), Available from: (Accessed on 05th March 2011] Dells use of information and technology Refining the business model One of the key success factors of dell computers is its extensive use of technology. Dells performance metrics is a major breakthrough in its analytical abilities. It analyses production operations, inventory levels, cash collection, market share, probability as well as selling overhead per customer segment. Table 1 illustrates how dell takes advantage of IT to refine its business model. Table 1 Source: [Source (Accessed on 06th March 2011] Dell also uses technology heavily in managing relationships. Although customer service is outsourced at Dell it acts as a bridge between customers and third party maintainers or TPM. With its prior experience in hardware manufacturing Dell knows what kind of problems arise to customers and which parts gives more problems. With this experience it has incorporated frequently asked questions and solutions in to their web site. Another advanced use of technology can be seen in Dell order Management System [DOMS] where all the customer orders are recorded. The following illustration explains how the DOMS works. [Source: Kraemer, K.L., and Dedrick, J. and Yamashiro, S. (2000) Refining and Extending the Business Model with Information Technology: Dell Computer Corporation Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO)] Customer orders online Order goes to the f inance department to verify payments Goes to the engineering for the technical feasibility of the order Order arrives at plant and checked for the availability of components The is assembled an dispatch to the destination Extending the business model Dells IT staff not only refines the business model but also involve in extending the business model. This means they strive to extend business with existing customers, reach new customers, cover new geographical areas and offer new products to these markets. The extending of the business model can be widely observed via dell website. This enables the company to reach customers in distant areas where it does not have a reach through its sales force. The website also enables the customer to easily get in to telesales if they are willing to contact a tele sales representative via company website. Another example of Dells extension of business model is its customized web pages for the companys corporate clients. In its website dell has customized web pages for each of its key clients where employees of those companies can log in to these web pages and access information. [Source: Dell Computers, SmithKline Beechamout source logistics management needs (1995) Traf. c World, 27 F ebruary, pp. 41] The small Business Start up guide When it comes to a small business startup it involves many formalities and elements prior to step in to the arena. Here we propose a 10 step procedure that would ensure a smooth take off for a start up. It includes financing, conceptualizing the idea, marketing, research, suppliers, licensing etc. Steps 1 find the right fit A person who wishes to start a business might be overwhelmed by tons of new ideas. But he should decide which business is right for him. A prior experience as well as a good background on a certain area has a higher probability to succeed. Also a keen interest on a certain area tends to give good results in the future. For instances dells desire to move with hardware as well as Bill Gates interest in programming drew them to the pinnacle. Thus one needs to carry out a genuine self survey on his talents, skills as well as hobbies. The person should also focus on his personality factor. Whether the person is outgoing or prefers to keep to him and even whether he likes to work 24/7 or enjoys the down town as much as the work time should be considered. Because every business has its own personality and it is very important that ones personality being complying with the business. Step 2 research the idea Many people have wonderful ideas but their business fail in the market due to not having proper market audience for the product. The research on business idea should answer the following questions. What solutions does the product offer? Who are the potential buyers? Why will they buy it? Fro where will they buy it? [Online, super market etc] What is the right price that assures a handsome profit and are the customers ready to pay that price? Who will be the competitors? When it comes to a small business it cannot cater to everybody. Thus defining the business as well as target market is critical. It is even applicable to a much larger organization. For instance Wal-Mart caters to bargain hunters while Tiffanys niche is upscale jewelry customers although both are in the business of retailing. To check whether the business idea has a chance to be successful one need to do more research and this time it should be more formal. A good idea is to meet t5he local s mall business development advisor or a marketing professor of a local college. In addition with the help of census bureau one can analyze trends, surveys, statistics, as well as other data to gain further insight in to the market. Step 3- calculating the start up cost It is crucial to decide the amount of cash needed for the start up. One need sufficient capital to cover all the expenses until the business reaches the breakeven point. Expert normally recommends a capital requirement that covers at least six months of expenses ahead for a start up. Following is a check list of expenditure for a start up. Equipment, supplies, furniture and people Inventory, product development, license fee, permits, working capital, legal or professional fee. Monthly rent, taxes, utilities, shipping Employee wages It is wiser to refer to similar start ups in the industry for the purpose. Step 4- writing the business plan The documentation of a business idea has a higher significance. This significance is beyond the ability to secure a loan package. Its a document that shows business opportunities as well as difficulties ahead such as under-capitalization and lack of sufficient markets. A typical business plan contains three parts. 1. The business concept the product or service, the relevant industry, the structure of the business as well as the steps taken to make the business a success should be included. 2. The market place analyzing the potential customers, their geographical locations, buying intentions. Also an analysis on potential competition as well as plans to tackle such competition should be included. 3. financial area with the assistance of an accountant as well as a accounting software package one need to prepare cash flow statement, break even analysis as well as balance sheet and financial ratios. Step 5 financing After deciding the type of business one should decide the ways of financing the business. The most common way is self financing. For entrepreneurs by ways of personnel savings, loans from family and friends as well as second mortgages. Crowd funding is another option of financing where networking with people online who are willing to invest small sums in start ups. One might some tomes qualify for specialty loans. For instance organizations such as count me provides loans to women entrepreneurs from small sums up to $50,000. Some large banks offer special loan schemes for women, minority groups as well small businesses. Angel funding as well as venture capitalists are two other sources of funding which are worthwhile considering. There are investors who are looking for great business ideas which can be turned in to gold mines. Such people can be located via online directories, industry associations, referrals via personnel contacts as well as trade group members. For insta nce sir Richard Bransons virgin group website has a special area where anyone with a great business idea can contact the company. There viable projects are qualified for financing from the virgin group. Step 6 naming the business One of the most important decisions in a start up is naming the business. An effective name will lead to a strong brand identity in the market place. One can use the trade mark electronic search system, patent and trade mark office as well as Canadian and European trademarks prior to finding a name. Getting the help of a trademark attorney or a trademark firm would save money by avoiding future disputes over the company name. Determine the legal structure of the business is also important. One should choose this from a range of types from sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation or a limited liability company as different business forms comes with different tax consequences. Step 7 developing the marketing plan Without marketing the existence of the business is not known. A marketing plan includes strategies and tools that will be used to communicate to the target audience. The marketing plan starts with describing the market, its segments, potential customers and competitors. Based on this the communication tools should be selected from a wide range of selection from TV, radio, print, billboards, social media, blogs, direct mail, web banners etc. Then the customer service plan [CSP] should focus on developing relationships that are mutually beneficial for both the parties. As repeat customers are the life line of the organization the CSP must provide answers on total customer satisfaction. For this money back guarantees, handling customer complaints as well as buying incentives should be considered. The inclusion of introductory price strategy, free consultation services, as well as teaming up with complementary businesses in to the marketing plan is recommended. Step 8 Building the support team Even for a soloprenuer a support team is vital. A start up should focus on a mixture of mentors, professional peers, as well as financial advisors. This support team in the form of advisory board should be a pool of talents, skills, knowledge and also resources. When it comes to hiring people for a start up interns, university undergraduates, or part timers would be suit well. If the business involves more part time workers considering independent contractors is also recommended. Step 9 Executing the marketing plan The developed marketing plan at stage 7 should be implemented here. Under this the website, marketing materials, business cards should be ready for distribution. Setting up auto responses for customer inquiries via e mail as well as through customer hot line is vital. Following is a list of actions in implementing the marketing plan Mailing a press release to local media on the opening of the business Going to the yellow pages Co-op advertising with manufacturers Creating coupon offers Sending special offer post cards to potential buyers Step 10 licensing When starting a business one should consider obtaining many licenses. These may include state, county or local licenses. Following is a list of such license that vary from industry to industry and on the type of business. Basic business operations license this is the type of license that should be acquired from the administration of the city or county which the business operates. Zoning and land use permits This is for some home based businesses as well as manufacturing organizations. Health department permits this is for business involved in preparing food and beverages. Sales tax licenses in order to sell any product or service. Fire department permits for organizations that attract lot of customers such as night clubs and bars. Special license issued by state this is required if the business involves in selling followings. Liquor Lottery tickets Gasoline Fire arms Special license for professional outfits by the state business involved i n following occupations should get these permits. Medical care Legal Auto repair Real estate Insurance sales Tax services [Source (Accessed on 06th March 2011] Conclusion Dell computers have come a long way since its origin from a university dormitory in mid 80s to become one of the largest PC manufacturers on the planet. While its competitors are struggling to tackle the time based competition the company has managed to thrive continuously. Dells secret formula of success is simple in nature but is highly complicated in implementing it. Direct selling to the customer and build to customer order are the essence of Dells venerable business model. Dells extensive use of IT is also a key factor in its success. The use of IT is visible in every occasion from procurement, logistics, production, service and support. The use of website for direct selling, DOMS system as well as performance matrix for analytical purposes has largely contributed to companys success.
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